Following an eventful 2013, Entertainment Mogul, Author and Media Personality Lady Rennae is once again preparing for the second season of her live comedy series. The show which ran from March 26th to June 11th last year created history by becoming the first weekly food inclusive live comedic offering to stage thirteen consecutive episodes featuring a mix of fresh and experienced talent from the various sects of entertainment.
Kudos must also be given to the very skillful comedians and dancers who kept patrons in stitches with their spine tingling humour and dance moves namely: Dance Xpressionz, Donald ‘Iceman’ Anderson, Christopher ‘Johnny’ Daley, Bello, Blacka, Pretty Boy Floyd, Leighton Smith, Dufton Shepherd, veterans Prince Edwards & Sample Man and actress turn comedian Suzette ‘Back Road’ Barrett who is also the recipient of an Actor Boy Award.
The overwhelming success of the inaugural staging was all the indication needed for a second season. The new season unfolds on Tuesday, April 29th 2014 at the recently renovated Countryside Club on Courtney Walsh Drive (formerly Derrymore Road). According to Lady Rennae season 2 will see a lot of changes aside from a new venue the show has been rebranded ‘Jamaica Mek Wi Laugh’ from of the original ‘Mek Wi Laugh’ this was done to highlight the immense pride in brand Jamaica. The show will also adapt a monthly format and be staged on the last Tuesday of each.
In a release to the media a very jocund Lady Rennae stated, “Last season was a great one, the support was overwhelming and I can’t thank the patrons and sponsors enough for their unrelenting support. Since the first staging we’ve been receiving extensive feedback for the show’s return, so we have listened and are in the process of making it a reality.”
Asked why the change of venue the Broadcaster said, “The Puls8 Complex was great but we have outgrown that space hence the move to a new facility. The Countryside Club is a more spacious environment quipped to handle larger gathers with several secured parking lots, another factor that was taken into consideration was how centralized the location is. It’s smack in the middle of Half-Way-Tree literally seconds away from the Transport Center.”
Quizzed further about the line-up and other aspects of the show a very tight-lipped Rennae said she doesn’t want to give away too much but patrons should come on Tuesday, April 29th expecting an exciting food-inclusive show featuring top tier acts for a mere $1000. The show starts at 7:00pm sharp and ends at 10:00pm and is geared towards people seeking to unwind and relief their daily perils through laughter.
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