
Friday, June 22, 2012

"Mi Will Run Remand Fi Oonu" Chase Cross Warns Savage & Flexxx

Yesterday, reports surfaced that Fagan Fraternity deejays Savage and Flexxx were involved in a brawl with Gully rival Chase Cross and his cronies outside the weekly staging of Weddy Weddy. Subsequently leading to Chase being allegedly punched in the face by Savage and several bottles thrown before police personnel brought the situation under control.

However, late Thursday afternoon Chase Cross released a viral video refuting the claims, stating that it was Savage and Flexxx who were on the defensive as they fled in fear.  In the video a seemingly upset Chase said, "waste man Flexxx and waste man Savage stop call up mi name___ yuh can buss off my face Savage?__  yuh can tump me inna my face?___ yuh can box Chase Cross?__ yuh can't even come near to Chase Cross!"

As the video continues Chase issues a stern warning to both parties, "any day yuh or yuh friend or anybody fi yuh box or tump me__ mi will run remand fi oonu yuh hear dat"

Chase Cross is a current member of the Mavado led Gully Squad also known as G.S.P.

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