
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Gospel Artiste DJ Nicholas To Launch Third Album

Gospel artiste DJ Nicholas is set to launch his third album School of Volume this Saturday at the Ranny Williams Entertainment Center.

The 15 track album features collaborations from a number of gospel artiste who will also be performing at the launch. The line up includes Jermaine Edwards, Jason Mighty, Dunamis, Kevin Smith, Positive, Lypher, DAJ and Sister Sasha.

The artiste said the album covers the genres reggae, dancehall and hip-hop and fans will definitely appreciate this third project.

DJ Nicholas, whose given name is Nicholas Vacianna Eccleston known in his early years as Nameless,  sang mostly violent gun songs and explicit lyrics. While Nicholas was a teenager he began searching for his true identity, one night he had a dream in which he saw fire falling from the heavens, In his dream there was a Rastafarian in his house saying to him that he must know himself; As a result, he sought refuge in the Rastafarian faith believing that Selassie was God and became totally immersed in the Religion. dKnowing that he was raised in a Christian home he prayed for Gods guidance because he was confused about the path he was taking.

While studying the bible intensely he stumbled on Acts 4:12 which reads "there is no other name under Heaven given among men by which we must be saved", this passage made him realize that his true calling was to become a Christian. Hence the transformation today.

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