
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Entertainment Minister Babsy Grange Warns Spice Against Rush Judgement

Entertainment Minister, Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange has expressed regret at what she described as "shortcomings" at Saturday’s event to celebrate Jamaican athletes, held at the National Indoor Sports Centre.

Organisers have been criticised after dancehall entertainer Spice delivered a performance that many consider too raunchy for an audience that included Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Governor General Sir Patrick Allen among other dignitaries.

"I note some of the comments directed at Spice for her performance on Saturday night.  I do not offer a defence for Spice who is a talented and bright performer, fully capable of producing lyrics in celebration of our athletic heroes.  I would however, caution against the issue of vitriolic comment and a rush to judgement in this matter," Grange said in a statement.

The entertainment minister said the shortcomings "overshadowed what was otherwise seen as a well-produced event".

"Most things went well but a few very important things did not on this occasion.  Like our athletes we will review, improve and keep pushing ourselves to higher levels of performance," Grange said.

She added: "As the Minister, I express sincerest regrets for these shortcomings and going forward, to ensure the highest levels of planning and execution of these national events, I have asked for a review of our procedures and agreements and a review team is being put in place".

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